Investigating Grievances

Organize Your Workplace
Investigating Grievances

A member — or members — come to you. They’re mad. Really mad. “It’s unfair…it’s a violation of the contract…it’s illegal…and it’s not right!” You think to yourself, “yeah, this is terrible. I’d better do something.” But what do you do next?

If your answer is “demand an explanation from management,” you may want to think again. Sure, some problems are obvious grievances, but most of the time you’ll need to know a lot more about what’s going on. Jumping to conclusions based on false, faulty, or inadequate information will only undermine your credibility—and the union’s.

An Effective Interview

Remember, a member who’s upset, angry, and frustrated may not always give you an accurate picture of what happened. A disgruntled member may sometimes exaggerate and leave out important details. It’s up to you to investigate, look at the facts, and then decide on a strategy for dealing with the problem. The first step in your investigation is to conduct effective interviews.

Get the information you need from an upset member after they’ve calmed down, either by taking them aside and talking for a while, or by meeting with them later. Here are some time-tested tips for getting the most information.

A Full Investigation

Interview everyone connected to the problem in the same manner. Talk to other workers, any witnesses, other stewards, even foremen and supervisors. Never depend on a single version of what happened, if you can avoid it. And remember, interviews are one way of getting at the facts, but they’re not the only way.

Check documents and records that could help you decide what happened and what should be done. They include:

When you’ve gathered all the facts, then it’s time to put your case together (if there is one), and determine what strategy (big plan) and tactics (smaller moves) that can be used to solve it.

The materials on this page were adapted from the United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America, who ask that we share a link to this notice in exchange for recirculating this information.

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