Organize Your Workplace

Organize Your Workplace

Organize Your Workplace

Take a moment to ask yourself…

  • Is your facility truly patient-focused? Or has the delivery of health care become more about the corporate bottom-line?
  • Do you feel your efforts to provide quality patient care and your contributions to the facility are valued by administration?
  • Are you forced to float outside your areas of competency?
  • Are units understaffed and do nurses’ requests for adequate staffing go unheeded?
  • Do you feel like you and your coworkers are earning a living wage and will be able to afford to retire?

Your answers to these questions may indicate that change is needed at your facility to protect both you and the patients you serve.

For more than 50 years, INA has helped nurses bring about positive change for themselves, their co-workers, and their patients. As the nurses’ union in Illinois, we know how to work with RNs to create an environment where their contributions are valued.

Workplace Safety

Workplace Safety

You deserve a safe workplace, including universal access to necessary equipment and training, full PPE, and robust workplace safety protocols.

Just Compensation

You deserve a living wage, hazard pay for the risks you take at work, paid sick leave so you can continue to pay the bills if you get sick, and guaranteed healthcare so you can get the care you need and deserve.

Dignity and Respect

You deserve dignity and respect, which means freedom from harassment, discrimination, and intimidation at work, adequate shift hours, and regular schedules so you can lead full lives in and out of work.

If you'd like help making changes at your workplace, please contact your local INA union staff or fill out the form below:
Organize Form
What happens next?
  1. You fill out the form
    Share with us the problems you are encountering at your workplace and the changes you want to see.
  2. We get you connected
    An organizer will reach out to you as soon as we can, usually within 72 hours. We will connect you with the resources to help you win the changes you want to see at work.
  3. Fight for your rights and win
    Together, you and your coworkers can successfully demand and win necessary protections at your workplace, like thousands of workers have all over the country.


What job titles does INA represent?

The Illinois Nurses Association is considered an industrial union, which means that we represent a myriad of different job titles. While our union was founded on the principle of representing Registered Nurses in the workplace, we realized that workers will have more power in their hospitals, clinics, and workplaces if we are able to unionize every job title in healthcare. While we still represent thousands of nurses in Illinois, we also happily represent any healthcare title. From medical assistants and physician’s assistants to janitorial Staff and lawyers, we’re happy to talk to anyone that works in healthcare about forming a union.